BUILD: The Dev Conference for AI & Apps (Nov. 12-14)

Hear the latest product announcements and push the limits of what can be done in the AI Data Cloud.



at snowflake

Snowflake aspires to be a leader in environmental sustainability. We are committed to the journey as a global business partner, an employer, and a community member. We are thinking and acting sustainably while delivering world-class data-driven solutions and positioning the company for a healthy future.

Our Vision

Snowflake is mindful that companies and individuals need to do their part and take action to mitigate climate change and protect our planet. We’re committed to adopting innovative sustainable practices and prioritizing sustainability in our daily operations to reduce our global environmental footprint. By embracing sustainability, Snowflake aspires to promote safety, efficiency, and responsibility in a manner that protects Snowflake employees, communities, customers, and the environment, now and into the future. 



Snowflake demonstrates its commitment to sustainability by considering two principles when making key environmental business decisions: reducing the global environmental footprint of our operations, and openly engaging on sustainability issues.

Reducing the global environmental footprint of our operations by lowering greenhouse gas emissions through

  • Adopting sustainable real estate practices such as targeting energy-efficient workspaces and office locations accessible by public transportation.
  • Minimizing waste through increased recycling, single-use plastic reduction efforts, organic waste disposal and composting programs, and food waste reduction initiatives.
  • Striving to use sustainable products for our office-space maintenance.
  • Beginning to create the infrastructure needed to measure our carbon footprint, which may involve partnering with third parties such as our landlords and building managers.  
  • Making sustainability-conscious decisions at Snowflake Summit 2022.

Engaging openly on sustainability issues by

  • Communicating regularly with stakeholders on sustainability issues and initiatives.
  • Partnering with local and global leaders in the tech space to share best practices and attend and participate in sustainability conferences and initiatives.
  • Continuing to evaluate and develop Snowflake’s approach to sustainability. 
  • Monitoring developing sustainability requirements and laws.

Sustainability at Snowflake Summit

Part of Snowflake’s global sustainability mission is to host environmentally responsible events. Learn how we implemented sustainability practices at Snowflake Summit 2022.


Our Snowstore

We are committed to reducing our impact on our planet without compromising future generations’ needs. To minimize our environmental footprint, we use eco-friendly, recycled, and organic materials in most of our merchandise, all of our inks are soy-based, and we ship with sustainable packaging.

Data for sustainability

See how data consumption and storage affects sustainability efforts. Watch our video to learn more.