New Snowflake Features Released in January 2024

Snowflake kicked off 2024 with exciting releases, including Snowpark Model Registry, Streamlit in Snowflake for Azure, and new enhancements around security features in Snowflake Horizon. Read on to learn more about everything we announced in January.
Snowpark Updates
Model management with the Snowpark Model Registry - public preview
Snowpark Model Registry is an integrated solution to register, manage and use models and their metadata natively in Snowflake. Data scientists and ML engineers using the Snowpark Model Registry can securely manage and execute AI/ML models in Snowflake, regardless of origin. Learn more here.
Python 3.11 support in Snowpark - general availability
Get support for Python 3.11 in Snowpark for secure deployment and processing of custom Python code in user-defined functions and stored procedures. Learn more here.
Snowflake Horizon
Snowflake enhances network security - general availability on AWS and Azure
Snowflake enhances network security for customers with network rules, schema-level objects that group network identifiers into logical units. Multiple network rules can be referenced within a network policy. Security admins can now create granular and flexible network rules with more context instead of relying on monolithic network policies. This improves manageability, troubleshooting and auditability for security admins. When combined with network rules, network policies can now restrict access based on the identifier of an AWS S3 endpoint or Azure private endpoint. Learn more here.
Network isolation to S3 internal stages using AWS PrivateLink - general availability
Network isolation for internal stages associates a Snowflake account with the DNS name of an S3 interface endpoint. All traffic to the account’s internal stage goes through this S3 interface endpoint, which enables isolation of network traffic from a customer’s environment (both on-prem and cloud) to their Snowflake service. This enables secure, simple, and isolated connectivity to internal stages. In addition, organizations can now charge back individual business units for CSP resources, such as private link endpoint usage, and implement different security requirements for each Snowflake account. Learn more here.
Snowflake rolls out new authentication enhancements - public preview
Snowflake provides a set of controls, including authentication policies, identity-first login flow, support for implementing federated authentication using multiple identity providers, and new SAML2 security integration parameters for federated authentication. These controls allow security admins to customize the login experience for different users, support multiple identity providers for different user populations for federated SAML authentication needs on a single account, and define authentication controls for different users based on client types and authentication methods. All of this makes for an easier and more secure login experience for users that reduces lockouts, which in turn reduces the number of tickets for customer IT teams. Learn more here.
Streamlit in Snowflake
Support for Azure - general availability
Announcing the general availability of Streamlit in Snowflake for Azure. We’ve combined Streamlit, the widely used open source library, into a fully managed and governed service within Snowflake. Python developers can start increasing the impact of their work by building apps that bridge the gap between data and actionable insights for business teams — without adding any ops burden to IT teams. Learn more here.
Data Ingestion Improvement
Snowpipe improvement with a new pipe status - general availability
With this release, a new pipe status STOPPED_BY_SNOWFLAKE_ADMIN is available in the output of SYSTEM$PIPE_STATUS function. The pipe can only be set to this state by Snowflake Support. When a pipe is in this state, it means the pipe will not accept new files for ingestion. Learn more here.
Easier ingestion option to load data in Snowsight - general availability
Ingesting data gets easier with the option to load it directly through the UI, now available in Snowsight.
With Snowsight, you can load files onto internal named stages and prepare to load data into tables or load dependencies for Python worksheets. You can also use Snowsight to view and manage staged files. Learn more here.
Snowflake Marketplace
Snowflake customers can tap into Snowflake Marketplace for access to more than 2,300 live, up-to-date and ready-to-query third-party data sets, data services and Snowflake Native Apps all in one place (as of October 31, 2023). Here are all the providers who posted new listings in January:
Intercontinental Exchange - Parent
SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE
Forward-Looking Statements
This post contains express and implied forward-looking statements, including statements regarding (i) Snowflake’s business strategy, (ii) Snowflake’s products, services, and technology offerings, including those that are under development or not generally available, (iii) market growth, trends, and competitive considerations, and (iv) the integration, interoperability, and availability of Snowflake’s products with and on third-party platforms. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, including those described under the heading “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Reports of Form 10-K that Snowflake files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. As a result, you should not rely on any forward-looking statements as predictions of future events.
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