Fully understanding your customer’s needs can be tricky. To take a customer from acquisition to optimization, you need a deep understanding of their data. For their customers, the ThoughtSpot product team has used Snowpark to build something just for that. 



Building customer journey capabilities into ThoughtSpot’s platform is crucial for their customers. Using Snowpark, the ThoughtSpot team was able to build a customer lifecycle function and leverage Snowflake to handle the execution. Snowpark enables ThoughtSpot engineers to build in their preferred language, using their preferred message method, and also execute quickly and securely.

In this webinar, you will hear from Snowflake and ThoughtSpot product management teams, and learn more about:

  • What capabilities ThoughtSpot offers to optimize the customer journey
  • What it takes to build these features
  • What is Snowpark and how it can help
  • The use case of how the ThoughtSpot team used Snowpark
  • Shiyi Gu

    Senior Product Marketing Manager, Snowflake

  • Snigdha Jha

    Senior Product Manager, Thoughtspot