Are you juggling with the complexities of building robust data applications? Navigating through disparate tools and platforms can be a daunting challenge. Tune into this instructor-led lab session on «Building Data Applications using Snowflake Marketplace, Snowpark, and Streamlit«, as we tackle this challenge head-on.

In this hands-on lab guided by the team at, we will explore an end-to-end solution for ingesting Marketplace data into Snowflake, conducting data transformation, and finally creating and deploying a Streamlit Data App, all using Snowflake’s native features.

Here’s a glimpse of what we will cover during the lab session:

  1. Load datasets from Snowflake Marketplace.
  2. Perform basic transformation, cleansing and exploratory data analysis using Snowflake features.
  3. Use Streamlit’s intuitive interface to create and deploy a seamless Data App.

Key Snowflake Features we will use during the Hands on Lab:

  1. Snowflake Marketplace
  2. Snowpark for Python
  3. Python libraries
  4. Streamlit in Snowflake

For the best experience, please sign up for a Snowflake trial Account prior to this lab. 


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