What are Snowflake Office Hours?
  • Live, 30-minute case study and Q&A sessions with a Snowflake customer.
  • Ask industry peers questions about their Snowflake Cloud Data Platform implementation and how Snowflake has advanced their data analytics.

In order to become a truly data-driven organization, CarRentals team at Expedia put Snowflake Cloud Data Platform at the core of their analytics and marketing engines, using automated machine learning (ML) pipelines for enhanced prediction modeling, advertising bidding, and email marketing. By leveraging Snowflake Cloud Data Platform, CarRentals’ data team has empowered the marketing and analytics departments to gain near real-time data-driven insights on user behavior, which are used daily to tailor customer offers. Join this Office hours to hear how Expedia is able to build their machine learning pipelines and empower their organizations with data-driven insights.

  • Gengmei Zhao

    Manager, Data Engineering, Expedia