As cloud computing continues to gather speed, organisations with years’ worth of data stored on legacy technologies such as Netezza are facing issues with scale, speed, and complexity. Challenges with performance are not uncommon and ongoing interventions are required just to “keep the lights on”.

Discover how modern consulting firm Slalom helps clients eliminate these issues by migrating different workloads to Snowflake Cloud Data Platform, empowering them to meet their analytics needs by unlocking the potential of their data. We’ll walk through the phases of transitioning from Netezza to Snowflake and how Slalom led the team responsible for a large-scale data migration at Sony, which migrated all their user data from 2006-2018 from Netezza to Snowflake.

The following phases of Sony’s migration will be covered:

  • Choosing Snowflake for its unique architecture that cost-effectively enables unlimited scale and speed
  • Enlisting Slalom to plan, manage, and assist with the migration to the cloud and Snowflake 
  • Using Snowflake to store data longer and run faster queries to enable internal departments and external customers to make faster, better decisions to improve revenue and reduce costs

If you’d like to learn more in the meantime, check out this blog post on data migration from Netezza to Snowflake by Slalom.

In partnership with Slalom