Join us for a live guided tour of key functionality in Snowflake. An instructor will walk you step-by-step through how to get started with sample code and data using the free trial. You can follow along and get your questions answered in real-time.
You’ll need a Snowflake free trial for this event. If you haven’t already signed up, please create an account here.
In this virtual session, you’ll learn:
- How to navigate Snowsight, the Snowflake user interface, and other connection options
- Insights into data ingestion and transformation in Snowflake
- How to work with different data types in Snowflake including semi-structured and unstructured data
- Setting up virtual warehouses and getting started with good financial governance
- Basic data governance and security concepts
- Access data from data sharing and the Snowflake Marketplace
- Creating and sharing data analysis
Mike Wolfner
Senior Sales Engineer
Andrew Baldino
Senior Sales Engineer
Stephen Pace
Principal Sales Engineer
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