Join Vantage,  a  partner with expertise in retail analytics, who will demonstrate how we help customers like Mr. Price reinvent retail analytics using Snowflake, Alteryx and Tableau. We will show you how we helped Mr. Price migrate to cloud within weeks, eliminate analytics roadblocks and achieve a positive ROI within the first week of use.

Are these familiar problems in your organisation?
  • Access to data a bottleneck for your users?
  • Systems slow to a crawl at peak times?
  • Aggregating data to speed up the process eliminates valuable detail and insight?
  • Data is not available at the speed you need it, to drive advanced analytics?

By attending, you will learn how to improve:
  • Integration of customer data – change the perception of the customer and the impact of the range on the customer
  • Incorporation of space allocations – redefine how stores are laid out and how space is allocated throughout the year
  • End to end visibility of supply chain at an item/size level – improve service level and markdown processes
  • Dynamic pricing models to optimize margin and sell-through rates – optimize your business to maximize GP
  • Data sharing with suppliers, logistics providers and brands –  provide improved supply chain visibility and incremental revenue opportunities


Join us for a 45mins webinar and we will show you how Snowflake and Tableau can be used to rapidly solve these problems. We will also show you how access to data can drive efficiency across nearly every business function in a modern retailer.