Telecommunications fraud poses a significant challenge with far-reaching consequences that impact service providers and consumers alike. From phishing and wangiri to spamming, robocalls, SIM-swap, and money laundering, regulatory agencies demand robust customer protection measures from telecom providers.

Unfortunately, traditional fraud detection methods often rely on labour-intensive, manual processes for analysts, leading to time, money, and customer losses. In fact, the most recent CFCA Survey reveals that telecommunications providers incurred a staggering $39.89B in losses in 2021.

Watch our on-demand demo to explore how telecommunications operators can effectively combat fraud using cloud-based data analytics.

During the webinar, we will explore key topics, including:

  • Governance & Security: Learn how to securely store data while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Data Processing & Transformation: Discover techniques to extract valuable Call Detail Records (CDRs) that are crucial for fraud analysis.
  • Advanced Analytics & ML Workloads: Uncover how to leverage advanced analytics and machine learning to identify anomalies and specific fraud patterns.
  • User-Friendly Outcomes with Streamlit: See how Streamlit can empower you to present easy-to-understand outcomes from your analytics, streamlining decision-making processes.


  • Matteo Consoli

    Corporate Sales Engineer

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