At Western Union, data is at the center of all operations, transactions, and predictions, enabling it to understand the business and ultimately improve its customer and partner experience. However, Western Union faced the challenge of having to consolidate numerous data silos across multiple clouds into a cloud-agnostic, single source of truth to power its data-driven initiatives.

Western Union embarked on its One Platform project, with the goal to modernize its data environment, reduce data silos and maintenance, eliminate resource contention, and empower users with better metrics driven by real-time data.

In this webinar, learn how Western Union leverages Snowflake for multiple use cases across the organization and the specific impact Snowflake has had on the business. You’ll hear from Harveer Singh, Chief Data Architect & Global Head of Engineering at Western Union, on how Western Union:

  • Created one platform to consolidated all its data sources into a single source of truth
  • Is setting up an environment for data sharing with internal and external partners
  • Powers compliance initiatives with Snowflake
  • Migrated from another platform to Snowflake
  • Harveer Singh

    Chief Data Architect & Global Head of Engineering, Western Union

  • Amelia Guertin

    Senior Product Marketing Manager, Snowflake