To make accurate business decisions and gain a competitive advantage, business users want faster and easier access to trusted data. Technology organisations have shifted from managing costly complex data infrastructure to now facilitating business value in a cost-effective manner. It’s important for organisations to understand the business value to be realised upfront and to be able to create the necessary organisational changes, to fully realise this identified value. 

During this webinar, learn tips for how to measure, track, and communicate the business value of implementing Snowflake Cloud Data Platform, whether it is to grow your business, reduce operational expenditure, or effectively mitigate risk. This webinar will cover: 

  • Why it is imperative to understand, measure, and track consumption against business outcomes
  • How to identify business outcomes and maximise business value realised through consumption 
  • How to communicate business value outcomes to key stakeholders across the organisation
  • The results of a Snowflake customer survey on business value realisation
  • MJ Sait

    Director of Value Engineering, Snowflake