In a world of evolving challenges, manufacturers must constantly strive to streamline supply chain operations, navigate global shifts, enhance collaboration, and create customer value. Recent disruptions to global supply chains, like the monumental Suez Canal blockage which cost nearly $400 million an hour, underscore the need to move beyond legacy systems and find innovative solutions.

Download this ebook to explore the current challenges facing manufacturers and the top three cloud manufacturing trends essential for building supply chain resilience.

The ebook will cover:

  • Cloud Migration: Explore how migrating to the cloud with AWS and Snowflake amplifies efficiency, flexibility, and scalability, even in the face of disruptions.
  • Cloud-Enabled Smart Factories: Dive into the world of smart factories and emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and digital twin.
  • Centralized Data Management: Learn how centralized data platforms fortify resilience, facilitate data sharing, and improve decision-making.

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