At Snowflake we continuously improve our data warehouse to make it faster, more reliable, and more secure. Our priority is ensuring that you get the latest version of Snowflake as soon as it’s available, without requiring manual upgrades or disruptive maintenance windows. 

By offering our cloud data platform as a service, we provide continuous feature releases unlike legacy on-premises and traditional cloud data warehouses that receive only infrequent patches and require downtime.

We work hard to make sure our fast release cadence never disrupts you. Our weekly releases are automatic, don’t require any downtime or maintenance windows, and guarantee you’re always using the latest version of our service.  

Before distributing new releases, we run an extensive battery of tests in our own environments to ensure optimal efficiency, stability, and security. You receive the most rigorously tested and stable version of code available. 

We understand that not all customers are the same and some organizations require additional checks for their most business-critical deployments. For enterprises that need to conduct additional testing on their own, Snowflake now offers Staged Releases. 

Staged Releases gives you at least 24 hours to evaluate a release before it is deployed. You can use this time to run your own tests and custom workloads against the latest release before it affects your production environment.

If you want more control over the release process, Staged Releases offers the best of both worlds: You can run your own custom tests and still receive the benefits of our continuous feature releases.

To learn more about Staged Releases for your organization, talk to your account manager today.